About Us
Inspire real, actionable change for oral health by empowering tomorrow’s leaders through education, impactful programs, charitable support, and thoughtful possibilities.

Create an equal opportunity for accessing, educating and offering best-in-class oral care in the state of Connecticut.

Lead With Compassion
We are all in this together for the patients we treat, the students we cultivate, and the great community we serve. Compassion and ethics guide us not only to do what is right, but also to put others before ourselves.

Influence the Future
To create a better tomorrow, one must actively work toward creating a better today. CSDF remains vigilant on building a positive network of like-minded partners who are invested in advancing dental healthcare.

Be Sincere
We are all in this together. For the patients we treat, the pupils we cultivate and the great community we are a part of. Compassion and decency guide us not only to do what is right, but also to put others before ourselves.