James E. Kennedy DDS, M.S. Benevolence Fund
Restore oral health
Restoring oral health through affordable treatments
The James E. Kennedy DDS, MS Benevolence Fund offers basic dental services to those in need in Connecticut. Services aim to restore oral health through affordable treatments. Qualifications and covered services detailed

The James E. Kennedy DDS, MS Benevolence Fund was established by the Connecticut State Dental Foundation thanks to the generous donation by an anonymous individual through Ronald Dandria, DMD. The purpose of the fund named for Dr. Kennedy, a former Dean of the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, is to provide individuals who cannot otherwise afford dental care and are not on any insurance or government programs which supply dental care, with basic dental services that will improve and/or maintain their oral health status. The purpose of the care provided through this fund is to restore a person’s dentition to normal form, function and esthetics. The program is not intended to provide care that is not related to oral health.
In order to qualify for care, a person must have financial limitations which will be determined by the Connecticut State Dental Foundation Board of Trustees (CSDF), be a Connecticut resident for at least six months, reside in the state of Connecticut unless attending a university or College out of state and be willing to have the CSDF trustee dentists review the proposed treatment plan before making a determination of benefits to be covered by the fund. Services covered will be the least costly, most appropriate service(s) to restore a person’s dentition to normal form, function and esthetics, the objective being good oral health.
Services covered include examinations, diagnostic imaging, prophylaxis (cleaning), fluoride treatments, sealant placement, restoration of caries with enamel regeneration, glass ionomer, composite resin or amalgam fillings, possible inlay coverage, crowns, root canal procedures, full or partial dentures, extractions and minor oral surgical procedures.
Services that will not be covered include cosmetic services, orthodontic care, I.V. sedation and/or anesthesia, advanced oral surgery performed in the operating room and inhalation sedation.
Periodontal care will be considered on a limited basis for children who may have juvenile periodontitis or if there is a complicating medical condition with an adult member.